Super Senior Siblings Excel at Science Bowl
The Super Science Senior Siblings pose for a sophisticated snapshot.
Most siblings fight over the last cookie in the cookie jar, or for possession of the remote control. This is not the case, however, with senior siblings Adam and Sarah El-Meanawy (‘15), who are regarded as brilliant students with a passion for science and who competed as a team at Science Olympiad State, hosted April 11 by the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.
With events ranging from Protein Modeling to Code Busters, Science Olympiad hosts a myriad of opportunities for those interested in science. At the state level, schools from all regions of Wisconsin come to UW-Milwaukee to showcase and refine their talent in various branches of science.
Brookfield Central placed 9th overall out of 42 schools, with six seniors, four juniors, two sophomores, and three freshmen competing. Adam and Sarah were among the front runners throughout the whole competition.
Q: What events did you participate in?
Adam: We did Cell Biology, Chemistry Lab, Green Generation (environmental), and Anatomy and Physiology. We placed 4th, 4th, 5th, and 9th, respectively.
Q: Did being siblings cause any drama? How did you prepare for Science Olympiad?
Adam: Not really, aside from perhaps being more comfortable fighting for which events to choose. It was actually really great being with Sarah, we rode the same wavelength the whole day.
Sarah: Well, we didn’t exactly prepare… [laughs]. He’s like my best friend!
Q: Who is the older sibling?
Adam: Me, by 13 months.
Sarah: I started kindergarten a year earlier, so we are NOT twins haha – he’s 13 months older!
Q: Who is the smarter one?
Adam: Sarah, hands down.
Sarah: I’d probably say Adam and he’d probably say me, so who knows?
It’s clear that these two are truly a dynamic duo and are sure to go places (far far El-MeanAWY) after leaving their mark on BC. Good luck, Adam and Sarah!