Students participate in Movember

Michael Fung

John Turco, senior, dons a full beard for No-Shave November.

Movember, commonly referred to as No-Shave November, is a widely celebrated event where those who partake in it forgo the diurnal hygienic ritual of shaving…anything. The month-long activity has been a popular tradition for many years and serves as part of a major movement to increase health awareness, with a primary focus on cancer research and prevention. The concept was born in 1999 in Adelaide, South Australia by a group of young men. It has since evolved into a nationwide sensation.

One persisting proponent of the event is the Movember Foundation, which was created by Travis Garone and Luke Slattery in Melbourne, Australia in 2003. Since its development, it has raised 649 million dollars, with over 5 million participants worldwide thus far.

The Hill Family has also made it their mission to expand this event in honor of Matthew Hill, who succumbed to colon cancer eight years ago. Their goal is to raise money for charity and to increase cancer awareness in a unique and involving way. Just this month, there have been over 12,000 registered participants, raising a total of more than 1.3 million dollars.

Furthermore, No-Shave November is not limited to preserving each strand of hair on your body. Participation in all forms is encouraged, and trimming and grooming are perfectly acceptable. In fact, for those who are averse to growing hair out, donating, partaking in events, and increasing awareness are great ways to contribute to the tradition that raises awareness and forms connections worldwide.