Brookfield DYW girls dazzle
Harriet Huang (BE) earned the title of Distinguished Young Woman of Brookfield, while Lizzie Peterson (BC), Abby Mauermann (BC), and Evy Doan (BC) were recognized as first, second, and third alternates, respectively. Each won awards in the individual categories as well.
On Saturday, Jan. 6, students from the Class of 2018 competed in the Distinguished Young Women of Brookfield Scholarship program. Mrs. Ellen Linnihan was in charge of the program and assisted the participants in preparation beforehand. The junior girls from BC and BE showed off a wide array of talents, performed a fitness routine, and participated in self-expression at the show. Before the program, they were also evaluated on their academic achievements, interviews with the judges, and cooking talents. Each girl was asked to fundraise for the program and fundraising awards were given to Gene Lee, Chelsea Russell, Nikki Ranney, Harriet Huang, Haylie Schultz, Abbie Mauermann, Katharine Liotta, Lizzie Peterson, and Evy Doan. Katharine Liotta was given the Spirit Award, and Kara Olander and Nikki Ranney won Best Chefs. The interview, talent, fitness, self-expression, and scholastic portions of the program were factored into the overall scores. The overall interview award winner was Nikki Ranney, and Lizzie Peterson and Harriet Huang (BE) were alternates. Evy Doan received the overall talent award for her dance performance, Sasha Semina won an alternate award for her piano and vocal performance, and Harriet Huang (BE) won an alternate award for her ballet performance. Evy Doan also received the overall fitness award, and Abbie Mauermann and Harriet Huang (BE) won alternate awards. The overall self-expression award winner was Nikki Ranney, and Abbie Mauermann and Evy Doan were alternates. Sophia Sun received the overall scholastic award, and Gene Lee and Abbie Mauermann won alternate awards. The Distinguished Young Woman of Brookfield 2018 is Harriet Huang (BE), first alternate is Lizzie Peterson, second alternate is Abbie Mauermann, and third alternate is Evy Doan. Two participants, Katie Smith and Maria Korkos (BE) competed as at-large participants and Katie Smith is the DYW of New Berlin and Maria Korkos (BE) is the DYW of Elm Grove.
The program was a great success and it was wonderful to see the hard work that the ladies put in pay off.