Most Influential Educators 2017

Maria Farrokhnia

Back row, from left to right: Greg Groh, Daniel Paese, Jeff Gryzwa, Brett Gruetzmacher, Chris Demos, Ryan Osterberg Front row, from left to right: Ronn Blaha, Sarah Scott, Peggy Ordinans, Susan Veeder, Kathy Dubiel, Mary Mann, Sue Kanies, Matthew Dapelo Not pictured: Craig Keir

Each year, the top fifteen students of Brookfield Central receive the opportunity to select one “Most Influential Educator” that has positively impacted their years from K-5 through senior year. Students are encouraged to choose any educator that has significantly shaped their educational pathway. Below are the top fifteen students (alphabetical) and their teacher selections.

Olga Boukhvalova ……………………………………………………….. Jeff Gryzwa
Maximilian Casey ………………………………………………………….. Craig Keir
Hema Gharia ……………………………………………………………… Kathy Dubiel
David Harmeyer ……………………………………………………… Ryan Osterberg
Claire Haynes …………………………………………………… Brett Gruetzmacher
Sofia Khan …………………………………………………………………. Daniel Paese
Eugene Kim ………………………………………………………………. Chris Demos
Brian Li ………………………………………………………………… Peggy Ordinans
Aiyu Liang ………………………………………………………………….. Mary Mann
Teja Pattabhiraman ……………………………………………………….. Sarah Scott
Victoria Pipia ………………………………………………………… Matthew Dapelo
Chris Post …………………………………………………………………. Susan Veeder
Victoriya Tarakanova ……………………………………………………… Greg Groh
Rebecca Yi ………………………………………………………………….. Ronn Blaha
Alice Zheng ………………………………………………………………….. Sue Kanies

Maria Farrokhnia
The top 15 students at BC and their Most Influential Educators pose for a photo at the Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield.