Key Club leaders attend international conference
District Governor Kevin Jacobson (’19), Lieutenant Governor Riley Feng (’20), and Secretary-Treasurer Liam Flatley (’20) represented BC at the Key Club International Convention, held at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile
Every year in early July hundreds of Key Club members from across the country and around the world come together to learn and grow as leaders. This year three Key Club members from Brookfield Central attended this conference with nineteen other students from Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.
This conference took place in Chicago from July 4 to July 8. The Key Club members that attended the conference were Liam Flatley(‘20), Riley Feng(‘20), and Kevin Jacobson(‘19). At this convention students attend workshops, meet people from other Key Clubs around the world, elect next year’s International Board, and vote on various bylaw amendments. For the first two days, the students visited various sites around Chicago, including the Shedd Aquarium and the Museum of Science and Industry.
This year the delegation from Brookfield Central helped to elect the new International Board: Emily Rice became the new International President and Hannah Nivar was voted International Vice President, with various others elected as the eleven trustees. As for the amendments, four of them passed without any debate; however, one did not. A heated debate over the fifth amendment lasted for over an hour, with Kevin Jacobson speaking very passionately against it. In the end, the amendment failed by a steep margin. The International Convention concluded with the awards banquet.
Both Kevin Jacobson and Liam Flatley received Distinguished Lieutenant Governor awards, along with Hana Li(‘19) who was not in attendance. The convention concluded on the seventh of July with the installment of the new International Board. That same night, Kathy Gillis (the immediate past District Administrator for Wisconsin) received the Key of Honor award, the highest honor in all of Key Club, for her 18 years of service to Key Club.