DECA prepare to competete at Mini-Districts

Megan Fisher

Those who modeled at Mini-Districts are featured here in this photo, Mini-Districts is a low stress way for students to get a feel for the DECA competition environment!

On the 9th of November, over 20 DECA members attended the annual Mini-Districts for DECA in preparation for the rest of the season. Mrs. Fisher, coach for the DECA team describes DECA as “DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in Marketing, Management, Hospitality and Finance in high schools and colleges across the globe” which helps “students with presentation skills, problem-solving, and thinking on their feet. It also provides opportunities to communicate with adults.” Mini District was an opportunity for students to dip their toes into what DECA is, and how competitions are like, a system where students play a designated role in the business world and is professionally interviewed and judged. Through the competition, students are able to learn and develop their skills in communications and business which can help high schoolers decide their career path.

In addition, attendees, such as Eva Kumer, joined DECA because “ I was thinking about business as a career path… I’m really happy I joined because it’s been a lot of fun and everyone has been super helpful in answering any questions I’ve had.” On the other hand, Tejas Reddy Sagubadi, a senior who has taken part in DECA throughout his high school career recognized that DECA “DECA has taught me is communication skills. Through events and roleplays, DECA teaches you how to effectively communicate with those around you in a professional setting, preparing you for various different future endeavors.” Overall, DECA Mini District has proven to be a great success, and is gearing members up for an exciting season!