Boys gear up for Mr. BC


Ellen Linnihan

The Manly Men of the class of 2018 get in formation to practice for the big show.

Around this time of the year, BCHS junior boys are occupied with preparations for Mr. BC, an annual competition where contestants are judged on a series of criteria as they battle – often hilariously and flamboyantly – for the coveted crown. The highly informal competition/talent show/beauty pageant/comedy act is set to take place Dec 16 in the cafeteria.

Mr. BC is one of Brookfield Central’s most unique traditions. Each participant is to be judged on his character, as presented throughout the night in various performances or activities. The first of these is a dance session, led by members of the Lancerettes. Often times, contestants are woefully under prepared for such a performance. Individual interpretations of dance moves or segments are not only allowed, but anticipated. This dance supposedly covers the participants fitness, the first criterion of judgment.

Then, one by one, the candidate is introduced onto the stage with a personal video that he produced, in which he may subtly (or, more often the case, not-so-subtly) displays some of his strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and talents. This is the second criterion of judgment, which is a change from contests of previous years. While contestants did present videos in years prior, this will be the first in which the video will actually be considered in the judging process.

The video is followed by the third criterion of judgment: talent. The candidate puts on a performance of some sort, which varies wildly but generally includes some display of a “talent” (sometimes stretching the definition of the word to its very limits). Finally, before he can leave the stage, there is a brief Q&A session, which can be taken as seriously as he chooses.

An additional criterion of judgment takes place outside the entire performance. In the weeks leading up to the big event, candidates will be expected to fund raise at least $250, most often through sales of food items. Money from these fundraising efforts will go towards paying for Prom.

The informality of the contest cannot be over stressed; in fact, it is highly encouraged. Mr. BC is a humorous and nonsensical event where students are fully expected to make fools of themselves or otherwise find creative ways to lead audiences to laughter.

Recalling his own experience, last year’s Mr. BC winner Bobby Ravanelli (’17) said, “last year’s experience was a great time. There was a ton of talent and I think every competitor had a lot of fun making people laugh. I am looking forward to this year.”

Blake Py (’18)
Breck Duncan (’18) sold Oreo truffles to raise money.
Drew Lessiter (’18)
Jack Magnus (’18) coordinated a fundraising contest, where depending on who wins, he may or may not shave his head.
Henning Mahn (’18) had a donation of money from a local private dentistry office.
John Park (’18) sold an assortment of bakery items to raise money, in which every 5 dollars gets him a slap.
Kirat Mokha (’18)
Logan Menke (’18) did a candy cane gram in order to raise money.
Mathew Chiang (’18) has started a Gofundme donation page.
Max Meves (’18)
Max Milkert has hosted a Smashbros Tournament in order to raise money.

Photos by Brooks Walls (’18)