New meme pages pop up after last Tyro feature

T-1 DAYS BEFORE DISTRIBUTION – Two posts pop up on Instagram. One is from @lancer_band_memes and the other from @bcchoirmemes. Each serves as the Tyro’s first Instagram ads, in exchange for memes from their account being printed in the Tyro itself.

ARTICLE DISTRIBUTION DAY – @bcchoirmemes posts a story to express their gratitude towards Tyro when they saw their meme in print. Unbeknownst to Tyro, another meme is posted on the same day, this one from an entirely new BC meme account that may or may not have been called out for its lack of existence during the time the article was written. (Disclaimer: said meme from new account had nothing to do with Tyro whatsoever. It instead involved a piece infamous to the students in orchestra for its vividly unique harmonies and expressions.)

ONE DAY AFTER DISTRIBUTION DAY – A second post from the new account appears, again without the knowledge of the people high up in Tyro. This time the post is about the Tyro: specifically, placing the meme account in a picture of the printed article as if their account was being featured.

TWO DAYS AFTER DISTRIBUTION DAY – Tyro catches wind of the account. The first two posts are discovered. Yet another account appears. After careful consideration, Tyro decides to reach out. It seems a follow-up feature is in order.

‘Mrs. Haney’ @bc_orchestra_meme: Taking on a slight alteration of BC’s one and only orchestra director’s name, Mrs. Haney, or @bc_orchestra_meme, came into existence on April 12, 2019; Tyro’s fifth distribution day. The account creator had become inspired after seeing other meme accounts featured in the Tyro. “The idea has been there,” explained the account owner, “but no one in the orchestra was brave enough to step in and take action, so I did it.” According to insider intel, @bc_orchestra_meme was referring to an earlier event in which students had been asked to email Dr. Haney memes in preparation for WSMA season, five weeks before the district festival. Certain members of BC’s chamber orchestra took to the idea heartily. The creation of a chamber orchestra group chat, accurately named “Chamber Chums,” rapidly became a forum for memes.

The majority of the early memes were about Vibhu Rajesh (‘20), a member of chamber orchestra and a favorite amongst many of the seniors in the class. @bc_orchestra_meme preserved this trend, with a third of its posts focused on Rajesh. “He is just very meme worthy,” stated @bc_orchestra_meme. Rajesh was “flattered” by the gesture and rated the meme account as “good.” Like many of the other orchestra students, Rajesh was curious as to the true identity of @bc_orchestra_meme. This was a popular question during the orchestra’s trip to Carnegie Hall in New York, for which a few suspects were light-heartedly interrogated. To this day, however, the account owner’s identity still remains a mystery. Regardless, @bc_orchestra_meme deserves a gold star for taking the initiative in creating a much-needed orchestra meme page.

A notice from @bc_orchestra_meme: For those who wish to receive one of the rare and highly prized gold stars, only given out at most once each class in orchestra, simply send @bc_orchestra_meme a meme of your own.

‘The Dead Inside Gang’, @lancer_banned_memes: Unique in its generality, @lancer_banned_memes is the only BC meme page Tyro has come across that is not solely focused on Brookfield Central itself. To quote its bio, @lancer_banned_memes features “NSFW memes that are best left unmade and unseen.” These NSFW, or Non-Specialized Friday-Wednesday memes, range from Twitter’s latest trends to Brookfield weather and everything in between. The formerly short Thursdays are reserved for BC-specific memes.

@lancer_banned_memes created the page because they “just wanted a meme page for real memes instead of the school-specific page.” The majority of their memes were described as being “stolen from all around the internet.” The smaller amount of school-specific content means that @lancer_banned_memes has yet to garner the attention of a BC staff member, perhaps for the better; some memes are best left to the students.

Like the specific meme accounts, @lancer_banned_memes plans to hand the account down upon graduation (year unknown), most likely to someone two grades below. For now, the page is at a stable 100 followers and steadily increasing, but has no plans for expansion beyond its current platform. If any students scrolling through Instagram are looking for a meme page run by a fellow BC student that doesn’t require insider knowledge to understand, @lancer_banned_memes is the place to look.