Key Club goes trick-or-treating to support UNICEF

Members celebrate Halloween in a nontraditional, yet noble way: raising money for a cause

Sabrina Huang

Riley Feng (‘210) and Nisha Desai (’21) smile with their filled donation boxes after last year’s Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. “It is such a fun way to collect money for a great cause.” said Feng. “Key Clubbers love being able to dress up all while helping prevent the spread of neonatal tetanus.”

Partnering with UNICEF, Key Clubbers use trick-or-treating as an opportunity to ask for donations to support the battle against neonatal tetanus. This national event first began in 1950 to help children recovering from the effects of World War II; Key Club has been a contributor since 1994. Liam Flatley (‘20), Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Key Club Secretary/Treasurer, provided some insight into how BC Key Club runs the event. Prior to Halloween, the club receives donation boxes directly from UNICEF; the members then take these boxes to ask for donations after giving a short spiel about the cause.

Natalie Winn (’21), Sarah Blaha (’22), and Abby Winn (’23) pose in their costumes before heading out. Dressing up is a tradition for the event. “It’s kind of fun to guess what other memebers are dressed up as,” said Liam Flatley (’20).

“It’s kind of surprising how many people are willing to help. I would say that 90% of people we go
to are willing to give us a donation,” said Flatley. The majority of the executive board, along with fifteen to twenty general members, gather at one of the volunteers’ houses. There, they decide how to divide the surrounding neighborhoods so to increase productivity. Time permitting, they’re usually able to visit two to three neighborhoods.

To preserve the spirit of Halloween, the members dress in costumes.“You get to experience trick-or-treating again in a different manner for a better cause,” Flatley said, “a chance to relive your childhood while simultaneously helping other kids who desperately need care.” The members regroup at the starting point to total the donations. Though there isn’t a specific goal, the target range is $300-400, based on previous years’ totals. The money is deposited, and a check is written out to UNICEF. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is one of their largest fundraisers, according to Flatley. “[It] is my personal favorite fundraiser,” he said. “It provides an unparalleled, feasible, fun, and collaborative opportunity for people to raise money for such an influential organization.”