On April 11, Brookfield Central’s Student Council (STUCO) hosted their annual dodgeball tournament. Five teams crowded in the school’s aux gym, warming up for competition and eagerly hoping to become the 2024 Dodgeball Tourney champion.
The Student Council’s annual dodgeball tournament has been a long-standing tradition at Brookfield Central. Not only is the tournament a great opportunity for friendly competition and bonding between teammates, it also enables students to aid people across the country. Since this tradition began, Brookfield Central has donated hundreds and hundreds of dollars to valuable charities. This year, all proceeds were donated to Children’s Miracle Network, a nonprofit organization that raises funds for children’s hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. By participating in the tournament, teams contributed to life saving medical care for children while also having fun with their peers.
As always, the 2024 tournament was run by STUCO’s Special Events Committee. Throughout the end of March and beginning of April, students were invited to create teams of 5-10 players to play in the tournament. Teams were required to pay $50 entrance fees, which were donated to charity, and gift cards to Buffalo Wild Wings were advertised for players of the winning team. A Student Council executive board member commented, “It was really fun running this competition once again! I love how we are able to let students decompress from the stress of school with this fun tournament and benefit Children’s Miracle Network at the same time.”
After weeks of anticipation and planning from BC STUCO, the dodgeball tournament kicked off on the evening of Thursday, April 11. The tournament, refereed by Mr. Reuteman, consisted of multiple games between five teams: Magic, Brookfield Baseball Club, Suspenders, MVPs, and Untouchaballs. All teams were cheered on by Student Council members and friends of the players. The electric performances of each team made the tournament intense and thrilling to watch, keeping the lively audience at the edges of their seats for three exciting hours. The games concluded with the Suspenders coming out on top once again. Each player was rewarded with $10 gift cards to Buffalo Wild Wings as well as the title of 2024 Dodgeball Tourney Champion. In addition, the BC Student Council was able to raise $300 for Children’s Miracle Network and foster meaningful connections between fellow students.
Overall, the annual dodgeball tournament was a success. Congratulations to the Suspenders for their back-to-back win and to BC STUCO for their planning efforts!